Sengoku Asuka ZERO Wiki
"Sōhei (Fire)"
Sōhei (Fire) 0
Element Fire
Weapon Strike

Sōhei (Fire) is a warrior in Sengoku Asuka ZERO.

Description[ | ]

An armed warrior priest who bears arms to defend herself from daimyō attempting to stamp out the power of temples. She became a warrior to offer her life in the name of Buddha. However, with the growing popularity of Christianity, she is wondering if maybe it's time to convert.

EX Skill - I[ | ]

Crush I: DMG III to 1 foe

Fixed skill[ | ]

Brandish: DMG II to 1 foe

Awakening Skill[ | ]


Fealty[ | ]

Max ~ 50[ | ]

You can increase up to 50 by using Ruby Gems.

Lesser Ruby Ruby Magnificent Ruby
